*based on Semi and Nahyun's representation.
- Teleological accounts of new media
From cave paintings to mobile phones
In rheingold's historical scheme
the cave paintings -> fax machine
From photography to telematics : extracting some sense from teleology.
includes Peter Weibel's 8 stage historical model of the technologic
developments of image production and transmission
Seeing thr limits of new media teleologies
focault and gerealogies of new media
Mark Poster's concept
Jay Polter and Richard Grusin's concept
-> focauldian perspective
- New media and the modernist concept of progress
Deffered future of new media
- because of technological underdevelopment
-> rather,culprit is cultural resistance
- be used and understanding according to older, existing practices and ideas
-> limit the potential of new media
The view of medermist aesthetic
medium has its often kind of essence
medium has to be genuirely new from the past and old media
Gene Youngblood
Steve Holzman
Modernist viewpoint - new media has to make a radieal break with the past
Greenbergian ideas - did nothave to break with a past
Pictorialists, TV, cinema - Pictorialists are would be the example of the perceptual imperialists
The content of medium is always another media
Ray williams - Media technology doesn't have an essence
New media is radically novel?
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