2007년 10월 5일 금요일

the characteristics of new media 1

The contents highlighted from Sungwon and Kihoon's presentation.


- digital media offer us a significant increase in our opportunity to manipulate and intervene in media. ->the interactive potential of new media.

Some ideological dimensions of interactivity
- To declare a system interactive is to endorse it with a magic power.
- old media->passive consumption
- new media->interactivity

A whole new world
- ex)Sky Digital (Open TV service) ->extremely limited possibilities

Instrumental(or functional) views of interactivity
- instrumental meaning of interactive
- users' ability-> not viewer, reader
- instrumental definitions and ideological meaning

Hypertextual navigation
- user can construct for him of hherself an individualised text.

Immersive navigation
- two paradigms of interaction
- extractive

Registrational interactivity
- Registrational interactivity refers to the opportunityes that new media texts afford their users to 'write back into' the text.
- 'input' and 'writing back'
- bulletin boards, newgroups

Interactive communications
- e-mail
- chat site

Interactivity and new critical questions
-Problems of interpretation
-Problems of definition
-Problems for producers

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