2007년 9월 18일 화요일

The media as an institution & The intensity of change

The topic was "What are new media." and Bundo presented about this chapter. The main ideas of the chapter were 'The media as an institution' and 'The intensity of change'.

In 'the media as an institution' we mentioned about media communication, institution and organizations, the culture and material product of the institutions, paying attention to more than point of media, new technological possibilities and established media form.

And about 'The intensity of change', we mentioned about 1980's big changing, a shift from modernity to post - modernity, intensifying processes of globalization, a replacement of an industrial age of by a post - industrial information age, a decentring of established and centralised geo - political orders.

It was quite difficult topic for us. There were so many different kind of views and something messed up philosophies. A memorable topic was about a massmedia. We call newspaper, TV(Radio) broadcasting news and etc. to 'massmedia' but from the internet begun, the media and information's(ofcourse knowledge included) origin is messed up so I thought it should be called 'messmedia'.

Anyway, It was particular approaching of the media but in other hand I believe it was interesting lecture for us.

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